Hurricane Cindy Forecast Verification
Written by Derek Ortt on February 15, 2005

Overall, track forecasts for Hurricane Cindy were very poor, with errors well above the 10-year mean. The forecast errors for the periods less than or equal to 36 hours were so poor, that they rivaled the errors produced by CLIPER, indicating little skill. The main reason for these large errors was the inability to forecast a reformation of the center about 24 hours after formation. The forecasts indicated a track toward Texas, while the center reformed to the NE of the center that was being tracked. After the reformation of the center, the forecasts were better than the long-term mean, suggesting that the reason for the error is mainly due to the center reformation.

Intensity forecasts were near the long-term mean until the 72 hour period. The reason for this was the hurricane moved onshore about 24 hours before the lone 2 verifying 72-hour forecasts indicated it would. However, after the reformation, intensity forecasts indicated that Cindy would remain just shy of hurricane status.

The Hurricane Warning was recommended only 6 hours before the landfall in Louisiana. This is because of the fact that previous forecasts did not indicate that Cindy would reach hurricane intensity. A Tropical Storm Warning was recommended 12 hours before landfall, which is the desired lead time. Two hours later when aircraft data indicated an intensifying storm, a Tropical Storm Warning/Hurricane Watch was recommended. In addition to a lack of lead time, the coast appears to have been over-warned as Hurricane Warnings for Mississippi and Alabama proved to be unnecessary. The rapid weakening of Cindy across the marshes of SE Louisiana was not anticipated.

For synoptic history, and official watches and warnings, please see the National Hurricane Center Tropical Cyclone Report

Figure 1: Mean track and intensity forecast errors

Click here for individual forecast error statistics.

Table of Recommended Watches and Warnings

7/5 1500 UTC Tropical Storm Warning: Grand Isle, LA to Mouth of the Mississippi River
7/5 1700 UTC Tropical Storm Warning/Hurricane Watch: Morgan City, LA to Mobile, AL
7/5 2100 UTC Hurricane WARNING: Morgan City to Mobile
7/5 2100 UTC Hurricane Watch: Mobile to FL/AL Border
7/6 0600 UTC Hurricane Watches and Warnings to Tropical Storm Warning: All
7/6 1200 UTC Tropical Storm Warning Dropped: South and West of Biloxi
7/6 1500 UTC Tropical Storm Warning Dropped: All

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